
All of our classes teach 4 to 23 year olds the skills they need to understand script copy, develop believable characters, how to audition, and the steps to obtaining a manager or agent. Our Musical Theater productions will bring joy to your child and the entire family. In addition, we are focused on the basic tools of concentration, relaxation, and improvisation. These tools will teach your child to be more outgoing, trusting, and have the self-confidence to be comfortable in a group situation.

We teach through positive reinforcement and encouragement building a young actor's self-esteem and help them believe in themselves.

Whether your child is very young (4 to 6 years old), or a tween and beyond (7 and up), The Actor's Garage offer classes suitable for their specific learning abilities

Miniest Movie Stars 4-5 Year olds

Miniest Movie Stars 4-5 Year olds

Our miniest stars will put together a mini performance with added video from earlier classes. Its a fun positive musical experience for all!

Young Tweens –6-8 year olds

Our Young Tween classes will get everyone  excited about acting whether they need help  breaking out of their shell or have their eyes on bright lights! Our main goal is to have fun and build self-esteem, and along the way focus on the early listening skills and verbal communication that kids need to move past parallel play and work together as an ensemble. This is the gaol in Acting for TV, Film and Commercials or our very sought after Musical Theater Productions!

Tweens – 7 to 13

Acting For TV, Film & Commercials

Utilizing what are known as "The Ten Basics of Acting," classes in this age range focus on age appropriate relaxation, concentration, improvisation skills, and character analysis. These actors are encouraged to develop their imaginations by using different improvisations. We provide a deeper understanding of the craft of acting by exploring commercial copy, delivering monologues, creative storytelling, in a fun engaging class. This is a class for professional and non-professionals.

Musical Theater

Join us for a Musical Theater Experience! Your actor will get the experience to audition for the show, rehearse as a group, then put on a magical production that is enjoyed by families, the community and the actors. Actors walk away feeling the excitement of putting on a show to be proud of, a sense of  belonging and forever home within our community.

Teens – 13 and older

Acting for TV, Film & Commercials

Acting for TV, Film & Commercials

Teens will work together with their peers  to  breakdown a script, make a scene conversational and natural with age appropriate materials.  This age group is geared towards becoming a professional actor.

Musical Theater

Teens will audition for the show and parts get earned by talent.  Our shows have gone from Shrek to Shakespeare.  This is a perfect place for tens who love Musical Theater and the ensemble process.

Improv acting


A great introduction to the art of improv. These classes focus on "Yes and", "No one word answers", Never saying no" and more. This also gives the actors an idea on what a real scene or monologue should sound like.

Special Needs Class

Special Needs Class

Tess Romero teaching her Special “Different Abilities” class. Tess brings fun improv designed ffor this audience to a class that helps bring out socialization, understanding skills while having fun and making lifelong friends!

Master Scene Study

Master Scene Study

This is an audition only class.  This is the next level of acting. Actors use contemporary scenes from some of the most popular shows on TV now to become familiar with scene study technique. The technique of spontaneity, truthfulness and making the scene conversational. Being prepared and yet making it seem as its the first time the actor has ever said the words.

Stand Up Comedy

Do you have the funny kid who needs a stage?!  Well, we have that stage!

Comics come together once a week to put together a “set”. It a fun collaborative effort!

Private acting coaching


One of our teachers will work one on one with students to focus on one or more techniques to enable actors  to grow as both a person and  a competitive actor.  In addition she is available for self tapes. 

Refund Policy

We offer a full refund after the first class. No refunds are available thereafter.

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